If you are really ready to drive on your own safely, confidently and legaly then you are ready for your test. Having passed the Theory Test we will advise you when you will be ready and help you to apply for it in good time.

It’s 42 minutes long, you can use my car (book it for 2 hours to get a refresher lesson in just beforehand) or use your car… remember the L plates, passenger headrest and passenger mirror though. We arrive and park 10 minutes early. I can wait when you go out, or travel with you in the rear seat, as you prefer (future legislation will probably insist I go with you!)

It will start with Documents and Identity Check so take along both parts of your licence. Then it’s the eyesight check… make sure you can read a reg number at 20.5 meters. Next the “Tell me-Show me Test” where you will need to make 2 maintenance checks on your vehicle.

Now its the Drive. No-one’s perfect so you will be allowed a few minor faults as long as no obvious bad habits repeat themselves, however any serious errors will not get you the intended result. 2 reversing maneouvers and possibly a ‘controlled’ (i.e. emergency) stop later and you will be beck at the Test Centre where you will be told your result immediately, along with a de-brief if requested. Once passed you are fully qualified immediately, and can drive on your own while you wait for your full licence to arrive. Yippee!!!

Need an earlier test date? Check here!

Where to go….

Lincoln DSA MPTC
Earlsfield Close
(Off Sadler Road)

Book your practical test online or call: (01234) 567890